Moving Forward

I hope everyone had a great time. I sure did.

I had spoken privately to several individuals about the site over the last couple of days and 2 things have emerged on the class wish list.

  1. A class directory. has this already, but frankly there’s a few of us that despise that site. Plus for to be useful, you need to pay for it.On the other hand, I don’t want to dump everyone’s contact info on the web for just anyone to grab.

    So in the next week or month or so I will migrate everything we collected to the site and put it behind a password protected screen. I did ask on the sign up, and will honor anyone’s request, if they’d like their information to be left out of the information display. I figure I’ll show your name, city and state, and your personal stalkers will just have to google you to end up at your front door. On the other hand, the reunion committee needs your current updated info to make this job really really easy next time.

    Leila Frick also asked that I add an option to indicate a classmate’s interests so it might be possible to find other classmates that are golfers, skiers or maybe even cancer survivors.

  2. A photo gallery. (I should have this soon. Just got a ton of work at the office this particular week.) I haven’t decided on a photo gallery software package. I’d like to find one that would allow anyone to upload their shots.As a side note, I use for my personal photography (Basically my cats and dogs). There’s an entire world of social photosharing sites out that I was tempted to make a social group and let people upload there. I’d be curious to hear people’s thoughts on just doing it that way.

Finally, these posts on the mtp site have the option to add comments. You need to register and I do need to moderate the comment, to keep the “comment” spam down. And if anyone’s curious about that, I’ll send you a sample of the nonsense that can fill an un-moderated form on the web. You’ll see on this post mary humanick has already added a comment.

Lost & Found.

I lost my voice… On the other hand did anyone lose these? Left at the sign in desk.

Let me know and I’ll get them to you.

Oh, looks like the next one (according to comments I’ve heard) will be homecoming weekend 2013.

I really don’t know what the date will be, but that’s a start.
Keep in touch!
